Tuesday, January 23, 2007

QUESTION 3-Fahrenheit 451

Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

The main characters are; Guy Montag, Mildred, Captain Beatty, Faber, and Clarisse.

Guy Montag- Montag was a fireman in the beginning of this story and he thought he was actually happy and enjoyed his life. But he suddenly finds out the emptiness he is in and he tries to fix it by trying to find the solution from the books he stole which was supposed to be burnt. Montag is really special in a way that he tried to get out of his ignorance while the other people in the country just sat in their couch watching their televisions, not even thinking of what is the true meaning of their life. Montag is my favorite character in this book because even though he did not have enough strength to change things in the society for himself, he tried to make things better even so many people were against him. I think he symbolizes justice in his and our world.
Mildred Montag- Montag’s wife Mildred, is obsessed with watching televisions so much. She committed suicide by taking sleeping pills but she denied it. Mildred does not think deeply and does not want to talk seriously. She has no affections for Montag and later she betrays him by putting on the alarm.
Captain Beatty- Captain Beatty explains about history of firemen and why the books were banned form the society. Beatty himself has a lot of knowledge about books but he hates books and enjoys burning it. Later he is killed by Montag.
Professor Faber- Faber is a retired professor and he met Montag in a park at night. He really values books but doesn’t have courage to stand up for his thoughts. When Montag first asked Faber to help him, he refuses Montag but later he decides to help him by telling him what to do. Although he decided to help Montag, he was still not brave enough to fight with the firemen directly. Faber reveals the typical coward because although he new that burning books wasn’t right, he didn’t do anything about it unlike Montag.


Steve Youngsang Doh said...

I really like the details you mentioned for each character. They seem very accurate and they were quite similar to my thoughts! Nice analysis! :]

grace said...

I have also thought that the main characters of the novel are Guy Montag, Mildred, Beatty, Faber and Clarisse. I agree with you on most of your comments however, your description on Montag brought me up with a question. Do you really think he felt happy and enjoyed his life before he met Clarisse? I would think that Montag didn't know what happiness was about because he dosn't 'feel' any, but 'enjoy' whatever there is to enjoy. I think that is why Clarisse was viewed as so weird and strange in Montag's eyes. I conclude that Montag truely learned how to feel when he started reading books, and understand what it's like to think and value.