Wednesday, March 21, 2007

QUESTION 3-Animal Farm

Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

The main characters are:
Napoleon-He leads the revolution with his counterpart Snowball. He uses dogs to force the other animals to follow them, and the dogs tried to kill Snowball when he was making an important speech.
Snowball-He was challenging Napoleon over the control of the farm. Snowball was really trying to make the farm better than the Jones’ time but it was interfered by Napoleon.
Jones-Jones was the former owner of the Animal Farm. He often forgot about giving food to the animals and all of the animals didn’t like Jones. The animals felt like they were slaves of Jones.
Squealer-Squealer is very good at speaking and persuading other animals. He is a pig who always explains to the animals how Napoleon is mighty and the animals believe it.
Boxer-He is the strongest animal in the farm and is very sincere. The fault of this horse was that he was dumb. Boxer said that Napoleon was always right and he would do anything if Napoleon told him to do. The other thing Boxer liked to say was that he would work more hard. At the end he dies because Napoleon sent him away when Boxer was wounded from the Battle of the Windmill.
I liked Boxer the best out of all the characters in the book. But when he kept on working and working when he was injured, I felt so bad and concerned for him. It was so sad when Boxer died when he knew that Napoleon was going to fix him and I hated Napoleon for killing Boxer. But I think all of the animals are special in a way that they actually tried to live for themselves when animals in other farms didn’t do anything. The animals are revealing the corruption of socialist ideals in the Soviet Union which is the theme for this novel.

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