Wednesday, March 21, 2007

QUESTION 4-Animal Farm

What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

It was a little bit hard for me to find the climax of this novel since there were many events that could be thought as the climax. But overall, I think the climax is when the pigs learn how to walk and dress like a real human. Clover first discovers Squealer walking with only his hind legs and she freaks out after seeing it. Even I would have fainted after seeing that sight. I think Orwell tried to describe how their new leader was turning like the former one, but worse, by walking like a human and carrying a whip. Even at the end of the book it says that it couldn’t be disguised who is a pig and who is a human. When Napoleon and other pigs were playing cards with the other farmers, Napoleon said to them the farm’s name wasn’t Animal Farm, instead he told them it would be Manor Farm. It would mean that there was no revolution or Animalism at all. I was surprised how a pig -well, Orwell probably was using metaphor, but still-go blind because of power. The other animals were only trusting Napoleon but they heard what he said and they should have felt being hit on the head. At the scene where Clover and other animals see that Napoleon brought human visitors and overhear what they are saying, I felt so bad for them because, as I said before, that was the part when the animals figured out that Napoleon didn’t care about them.

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